It's been a busy time! Setting up the new space in the new Red Brick and getting it just as I want it (I'm still tweeking!), doing my first two events of 2023 and deciding to trial some 'mini collections'!
In talking to people, I find that many do like the 'darker side' of my art photography, so I've put together a three print series of more Gothic, darker images that compliment my 'Waiting' print.
My large fine art print 'Waiting' always provokes a reaction, but I realise not everyone has space for a large print... hence I've chosen three connected images that will work well as photo prints. either as a stand alone image, or together as a set.
I plan to limit these to a run of 25 prints, with a plan to maybe continue to launch more mini collections. So, if there is something you want to see - let me know!
You can search for these new prints using the search filter - Gothic Collection
or click on the link below
Click here to go straight to the new collection